Welcome to the 2020 Science Archive

2020 Science started life in 2007 as a nanotechnology blog written by Andrew Maynard on SafeNano. In the following years it developed into a personal blog addressing emerging technologies, responsible innovation, risk, science communication, and the intersection between science and society more generally.

Andrew made he decision to wind the blog down in 2019 as his focus and writing developed in new directions. This archive contains most of the original posts (there have been occasional clean-ups of content). For more recent articles etc. please visit andrewmaynard.net. And thanks for visiting! 



Talk to the Hand: Risk Bites, six months on

From Risk Sense: Six months ago, Risk Bites launched as a somewhat quirky YouTube experiment in science communication. Twenty-seven videos on, how are things going?   Risk Bites was originally conceived as a way of pulling some rather cool insights into the...

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Why should I wash my hands if I only pee?

Cross-posted from Risk Sense "Why should I wash my hands if I only pee?" It's the sort of question most parents have had to handle at some time - especially if you have pretentious kids who delight in telling you how pure pee is! It's also the subject of the first...

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Jumping the gap between a US and UK high school education

Tomorrow, my 16 year old daughter is leaving her home in the US for the UK. She'll be there for the next two years while she studies for her A levels.  It was a heart-rending decision for my wife and I to agree to her living apart from us in a different country.  But...

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