Welcome to the 2020 Science Archive

2020 Science started life in 2007 as a nanotechnology blog written by Andrew Maynard on SafeNano. In the following years it developed into a personal blog addressing emerging technologies, responsible innovation, risk, science communication, and the intersection between science and society more generally.

Andrew made he decision to wind the blog down in 2019 as his focus and writing developed in new directions. This archive contains most of the original posts (there have been occasional clean-ups of content). For more recent articles etc. please visit andrewmaynard.net. And thanks for visiting! 



Realizing dreams of carbon nanotubes

A guest blog by John Dorr, Vice President of Business Development Nanocomp Technologies Inc. Despite all the fuss over nanotechnology, it’s surprisingly difficult to get a clear sense of how the technology is contributing to new products.  So when the company Nanocomp...

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What do people think about synthetic biology?

The fifth Hart survey of what American adults think about emerging technologies like nanotechnology and synthetic biology was released today by my former colleagues at the Woodrow Wilson Center - the first since I left the group earlier this year. Each summer for the...

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Knitting science

Sitting in a meeting on informal science education recently, I was intrigued to see a respected academic working on her knitting.  And she wasn't the only one.  Now I may have had a something of a sheltered life, but in over twenty years of attending scientific...

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I’m A Scientist – where the prize money went

I love books - the old fashioned kind, printed with ink on paper.  As a kid, books were my source of education, inspiration and entertainment.  As an adult, I still find there's something oddly satisfying about picking up a sheaf of printed and bound pages and...

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