A book club guide for Films from the Future
The same structure that makes Films from the Future ideal for undergrads, also makes it perfect for an extremely engaging book club – one where you not only read a book together, but you get to watch films as well!

YouTube channel on the Science of Risk hits a milestone
It’s been a while coming, but the YouTube channel Risk Bites has just hit 10,000 subscribers. It may not sound a lot when compared to some YouTube mega-channels, but for a low-budget channel that occupies the space between academic expertise and people who just...
Humility in science communication
A few weeks ago, I was asked to give a keynote on Knowledge Mobilization for the annual Graduate College Impact Awards at Arizona State University (the video’s at the end of this post). The talk was to be science communication. But on reflection, I took the...
These scientist-communicators deserve your attention!
On April 22 2017, over a million people marched for science around the world. They came for many reasons — to celebrate science; to soak up the vibe; to protest a growing distain for evidence-based decisions within society; to say they’d been there. But if...